Saturday, March 29, 2008

Day 3: Sunday, March 16th

so we left Sydney really early, so early that people were coming home (incredily drunk, loud, and annoying) when we were trying to check out. they also almost broke the 1 elevator in the hostel. if you stand in the doorway of an elevator, the doors won't close. thought it was a simple thing to understand, but apparently not always.

so we got the train (at the train station "30 meters" from our hostel), and it was sketchy. the stations and platforms were almost empty, except for creepy guys... and us. then we had to switch trains at central station, but our train wasn't running. so we had to find our way through a maze of halls and stairs to find this magical bus that took us to the airport.

when we got off, all the other airport-destined bus-riders started walking to the same terminal as i started walking to another terminal. you see, there was this sign that said our flight number was in terminal 2, my sister said we should follow the group of people to terminal 1 because they must know what they were doing. we get to terminal 1, and our plane is leaving out of terminal 2. please note, this is just the beginning of situations to follow where my sister did not listen to me, and i was in fact right all along.

so, we got our plane out to Uluru (Ayer's Rock). i slept for most of the 3 hour trip and my sister got sucked into the in-flight movie: August Rush. she knew it was gonna be bad. she knew she hadn't already seen it for a reason. yet she decided to plug her headphones in and watch. and from what i heard, it was terrible.

we found our free shuttle to the Ayer's Rock Resort area. we had a few hours to kill before our tour bus was coming to pick us up, so we found a little grocery store and bought stuff for lunch, some awesome aussie outback hats, and playing cards. but not normal playing cards, JUMBO CARDS. and 1 butter knife. for our cheese. so we had ourselves a lil picnic

we still had an hour or so to wait and we layed down for a bit in one of the lobbies of one of the hotels with other waiting tourists. and they had on a lot of ugly clothes. which my sister talked about loudly, claiming everyone around didn't speak english so it didn't matter.

our Safari Tour 4WD finally came and we were taken to our campsite

to meet up with the rest of our tour group. there were 2 nice girls from Sweden, 1 guy from Tahiti, a mom and dad with their teenage son from Belgium, and an annoying american girl from California. she told grrrrrrrrrrreat stories. ("i have a friend who calls me when he's drunk. no really, it's funny. he leaves me these messages that i can't understand. it's because he's drunk!...... i should call him")

it was too hot to do the scheduled Valley of the Winds walk, so we did a shorter walk through Kata Tjuta (the Olgas). (a neighboring tourist rock site of Uluru)

we took lots of pictures. a lot.

then back to Uluru for the sunset. the tour group provided snacks and champagne. my sister and i had our own bowl of cheese. the other cheese was on a meat platter. we had a meat-free cheese bowl. and it was good. but we saw Uluru at sunset and it was beautiful, the rock really does seem to change colors. well, not like to green and fuschia, but more like orange, to red, to brown, to black.... because the sun has set.
on the drive back to our campsite our tour guide played YMCA, Car Wash, Macarena, Grease Lightning, and etc and my sister and i showed the rest of the group how to get down with their bad selves. or, we just danced in the car and they all rolled their eyes.
then we showered and passed out!!
We have to wake up tomorrow at 5am to beat the sun so we can see uluru at sunrise. must see uluru at all times apparently. we must.

1 comment:

Cella Bella said...

So no one ever has to see this movie ever, here is the story:

There was this orphan. But he wasn’t really an orphan. And his name wasn’t August Rush yet. His mom was a classical cellist and his dad was a rock star, so obvy they were from different worlds and could never be together. And then the mom’s controlling dad told her that her baby died.

So the kid runs away in New York, or something. And he meets Robin Williams, who plays Bono, if Bono were American and homeless. And Robin Williams lives in an abandoned theather (natch) with about a hundred homeless kids. And he finds out that the orphan is a musical genius and he names him August Rush after a passing van. As you do.

Then I guess the kid wasn’t happy with Robin Williams because he went to a black church and maybe he lived there for a few days? It wasn’t clear. But the preacher got him enrolled in Julliard and he started like, the next day so maybe it was the beginning of the semester. So then Julliard gave the kid his own concert in Central Park. And his mom was going to play at the concert, but they still never met. But she was looking for him since her dad confessed on his death bed. And the dad was looking for the mom, but not the kid because he didn’t know he had a kid.

And then the kid was playing in Central Park (like, on a bench, not at his concert) and his dad talked to him but they didn’t know they were father and son!! The kid was all “I have a concert in Central Park.” And the dad was all, “No you don’t, you’re 12. But if you’re not on crack and it’s true, you should totally do it.”

And then the kid did his concert. And his mom was drawn to him by his music. And also the dad was there because he saw a poster. And the dad sees the mom and they hold hands.

The End.