Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Trip Begins!

my sister went home this morning after a busy and exciting trip around australia. however, we kept a diary of our trip throughout the whole adventure, so i thought i would, day by day, post each entry here.

so for the next 12ish days, i'll have a brand new post! so here it comes!!

DAY 1 Friday, March 14th
My sister is arriving tonite. since she had to move her arrival date, she comes in a day earlier. today i just spent tying up some loose ends, relaxing, and of course cleaning. since my sister will be seeing my dorm room at the end of the trip, i thought i should tidy up, at least a little bit. as usual, my room looks like a tornado came through here, so i tried to neaten it as much as possible. i even vacuumed!

now i'm at the canberra airport waitng for my plane to leave to sydney. my flight is running 5 mins late, and before i left, i checked and my sister's flight left 41 mins late and 35 minutes behind schedule. so while i arrive at 9:05, she'll arrive at 10.
oh, and i was bomb tested, again, at the canberra airport. i get asked every single time. oh, and the airport calls itself an international one, even tho 'currently' there are no incoming or outgoing international flight, so how can it pull that off??
anyway, i'm always bomb tested at this airport because there's never anyone in the security line and so the bomb testers must get bored and take anyone that comes through.

so now i'm in sydney. i'm waiting in the arrivals greeting area. it's 9:50 and my sister's flight is due at 10:07. the original arrival time was 9:20pm.

however, on my canberra flight, with all the empty seats in the whole dang plane, the one next to me was filled. filled by a 19 year old boy named Conor.
overly zealous to talk to me, i humored him for a bit at first, but then we both finally resigned ourselves to our books.

however... the conversation was interesting. i learned he was discharged from the army for doing coke.
conor: 'i was kicked out of the army for doing cocaine'
me (being deaf): kicked out from where?
conor: COKE
me: no no, kicked out of what?
conor: COCAINE!!
me: no, what were you kicked out of?
me: ok, start that sentence all over
conor: i was kicked out of the army...
me: THAT! that was what i wanted to know.

so after yelling 'cocaine' out multiple times, i decided i didn't want to talk to him anymore.
oh, but his brother is straight-edge and wants to be a cop so they don't get along.
and he also interrupted his own brotherly-love story to tell me i had beautiful eyes.

i'm glad i had a book.

to be continued....

my sister arrived safely.

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