Monday, March 10, 2008

Thank You Canberra

My sister is coming to visit!
and i have quite an itinerary set out for us.

We begin with 1 day in sydney where we are going to "climb the bridge". the harbour bridge. and we're going straight to the top!

then we're off to the Red Center. we're going to see Uluru (Ayer's Rock), King's Canyon, and some Olgas? Don't know, but heard it's pretty. And we'll be "camping" in the actual outback.

next we have a stop over in Brisbane. I'm sure we'll find something to do there.

Then off to the Great Barrier Reef for 4 days! Relaxation, sun, swimming, and sailing.. and the reef!

Lastly we'll come to Canberra and go hot air ballooning! and she can meet my friends!

I'm so excited!

however... i'm sick. my immune system hates me and i woke up 2 days ago feeling horrible. i've been popping pills, juice, and soup and sleeping in between. oh, and overdosing on West Wing.

i'm going to will myself to be better by saturday when my adventure begins with my sister.

buuuut, today is Canberra Day! Yes, an actual government-approved Australian holiday. I think we're supposed to sit around and discuss why we love canberra. My friends are having a "barbie" (bbq) in an hour or so. i'll probably be napping. because there's only one way to say thank you to Canberra: grill up some kangaroo and sausages. we love you canberra, so we will eat your meat.

i did however do dishes and laundry today. So I would like to thank Canberra for the running water and electricity so i can keep tabs on my hygiene.

and i hope all the folks playing along at home pay homage to Canberra in his or her own way.
for example you could:
have bloody hot weather.
take measurements in metres.
say "bloke" a heap.
pretend you care about the Queen.
take your temperature in celsius then try to convert that to fahrenheit to realize you have a slight temperature.... maybe.
refuse to use the penny.
and much much more.

let me know how it's goes!


elizabeth said...

"So I would like to thank Canberra for the running water and electricity so i can keep tabs on my hygiene."

Please define hygiene for me, Katie.

Texas Trowel said...

"Conditions and practices that serve to promote or preserve health"

so, by having running water for cleaning dishes, laundry, and showering, and having electricity to run the washing machine and dryer: i thus am promoting and preserving the health level around me.

Anonymous said...

So you're ill? Aaron says you should have used Airborne, despite the lawsuit.