Thursday, March 13, 2008

Never On Time

Well, this trip my sister and I are taking is starting off just swell.

i've been sick for a week.
she awoke today (wednesday) to a fever.
she thought she was leaving saturday.
i thought she was arriving on saturday.
American Airlines can't write an itinerary correctly.

therefor(e?), we had a bit of a panic today.

her flight, in fact, was to arrive on monday.
pushing out itinerary back by 2 days.
leaving us $3,000 dollars in the hole, considering the flights, tour packages, and hostel payments were all non-refundable.

what to do... what to do...

after 40 frantic minutes of brainstorming, and talking to the travel agent, and using all my phone credit on international calls to my sister...

she ended up just changing her departure date in order to get to australia in time to start my pre-planned, pre-paid itinerary.

instead of her having 55 hours to pack and prepare, she now had 8. and still a fever.

but it's ok now! i think. she's on her way.
i'll be getting a good night's sleep. she'll be getting a good 17 hours in the air. and then we'll meet and start our adventure!

here we come australia!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aren't you already in australia?