Monday, March 3, 2008

Don't Eat the Veggie Balls

yes, i do have an office. it's a room i share with 2 other post-grad students. 1 i knew from last year, so it should be fun. i have a window that overlooks a courtyard. i have a computer. internet. lockable filing cabinets. shelving. and spider webs.

so the guys here have started a cricket team for our dorm to compete in intra-hall sports. just games against the other dorms here. sunday was their first game. and it was awesome. they lost. but that's ok. a bunch of us went out there for support, and it was great actually watching a cricket game. yeah, it was about 103 degrees. but we had grapes, and water, and gossip magazines, and music, and towels to lay down on, and sure, we watched some of the cricket game here and there.
there's still plenty about the game i don't understand: no bowls, extra bowls, leg before wickets, the random yelling the players do, and strategy as a whole really. but there were some great plays out there, and even tho they lost by about 70 runs, it was fun. and it lasted 6 hours.
however, when the defensive team does get someone on the other team out, everyone on the field runs to the middle screaming and jumping and they all high-five. it's awesome. that's how they even do it professionally.
the best part: a few of my friends got the sunglass tan on their faces. now we call them raccoon and possum. i got away with some red shins. not too bad.

now things are finally getting back to normal. everyone has started classes again and i'm basically just reading here and there and visiting my office every once and a while. i did manage to lose my camera battery and my debit card in one evening. and i didn't use either that nite... interesting... but i've already sent off to have both replaced.

i don't have much to report... except i'm going a little crazy trying to plan the trip for when my sister visits in just 2 weeks!! i want to see Uluru and the Great Barrier Reef... but i think these packaged trips are gonna cost us quite a bit. my plan: go into the travel agency geared toward students and have them plan it all out for me. i don't like making decisions.

i did however make some Veggie Balls from a recipe book i got for xmas just for microwaveable vegetarian recipes... and they were quite gross. tonite i'm making some stuffed squash. i hope it's better.

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