Monday, February 12, 2007

i've got friends in low places

i think i've made a friend.
a boy.
from australia.

we met at graduate student welcome. there were only about 30 of us that showed, to listen to our vice-chancellor speak, but i went. at the same time was the 'bar crawl' which i stopped in at before the graudate welcome. i bought a beer, walked around, saw no one i wanted to talk to, so i left. kinda sad and pathetic, but everyone had a friend so i drank my beer and left. i came back to my room and waited until 7 when the welcoming of grad students was to start. i walked over to the lecture room, sat and listened to the blah blah blah, and then we were excused to go enjoy the snacks and free alcohol they had waiting for us. i waited in line to get my glass of wine behind 2 girls who had just met. one from canada, and one from the uk. i kept waiting for a good moment to stick my hand out and introduce myself, but no moment arised.

so i stood there, scanning the room. then i saw a lone boy sitting with his wine in hand. i thought 'well eff it. i'll go introduce myself and if he's not friendly, then i'll leave, and no harm done'. i went over, introduced myself, and he was quite interesting and engaging. we had a nice chat, and it ends up he lives in the same dorm hall as i do. he then told me that our dorm was alcohol free. sha right, and monkies might fly out of my butt. we then decided to go buy alcohol and keep them in our rooms, thus breaking the rules. we are such rebels. anyway, i bought some wine, he bought some bailey's and we came back to my room and just talked for 2 hours. about politics, america vs. australia, music, movies, and the west wing! he loves the west wing. and it just so happens i own all 7 sesasons.
ok, so in the end there's no romantic connection, BUT I HAVE A FRIEND who just lives one floor below me. it just goes to show, if you put yourself out there, sometimes it's for the best.

before the free bbq, i found a coffee shop on campus that sold fruit smoothies. i asked for a strawberry one and i ended up with strawberry milk. their idea of smoothies is not like mine.

furthermore, do you guys know where the hole in the ozone layer is? oh yeah, it's over australia. whoo! skin cancer for everyone here!! no joke.

anyway, i'm off to sleep for tomorrow i am meeting up with someone i met from international orientation for the campus carnival. then there is a comedy hour, then the international BBQ dinner and dance. i've yet to taste the australian BBQ, but every free meal here consists of strickly that. i wonder if it's good... or vegetarian.


Kathleen Mary said...

this is my favorite new webpage

jared said...

those guys make some good smoothies

Texas Trowel said...

yeah, i've seen signs for it at the mall, but i have yet to find the actual store. i'm excited to go find it though, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hey KT,
I think your first friend in a new place is always the hardest one to make. Then it's easy sailing from there. Sounds like you are off to a good start.

elizabeth said...

i laughed out loud in the theatre, scrared the crew and someone almost pushed over a 10ft Oscar. Does that impress you?

But maybe you would make more friends if you stopped wearing overalls and a straw hat and talking about how much you love George W. Bush.