Sunday, February 18, 2007

Girls just wanna have fun

Ok, so it's been a while since i posted... but that's because nothing interesting really happened. i went out for a few drinks on thursday night, but i stayed in friday night. by the way, apparently for postgrad work, they don't really require text books. they do however require 'bricks'. everyone kept telling me to get my 'bricks'. it took me a while to figure out that they were referring to class packets... like class 'readers'. just stapled paper that the professor puts together that includes a calendar of lectures and outside readings.... 'bricks'. why on earth would you call them bricks. and also, the only real book i bought for class, that wasn't even required, was only 40 dollars. i wish texts at uconn were this cheap. i spent 45 dollars on class readings. amazing!

so saturday i tried to organize my desk... and after 5 minutes of that i then watched the office and arrested development. i also did some billy blanks boot camp tapes, and my thighs are mad at me now.

on saturday night my dorm was hosting a Lunar Potluck party so i attended and i met a fun group of girls who wanted to go dancing. they were all 18, and one was 17. all here for their first year... i feel a little bit older... but eh, i hope i don't look it.

so we parted ways, got ready, and then headed out to the club, academy. and we danced, a lot. they had an hour of 2 for 1 drinks, so we all walked around with 2 drinks for the hour (2 drinks for 6 bucks... not too shabby australia)... but don't worry, i stayed within my limits of coherenceness. we did meet a number of guys, all creepy and sleezy, one of whom told me he gives "Texas an A+ for producing me".... that's when i walked away. he also shaved his arms... for rugby... i don't get it

anyway, we came back at around 2... even though the club stays open until 4am or later if the party is still going. that's insane!! and i woke up today... so tired. however, when i came home at 2am, i decided i was hungry, so i was gonna make myself a veggie burger. and for some reason i thought it would be a good idea to put it in the microwave for 6 minutes.. and then being a little drunk i forgot about it until i smelled smoke. yep, i burnt the burger into my plastic plate and it produced a horrible smell and a lot of smoke. i then tried to fan the room by opening and closing my front door, then i kept it propped open with a flip flop while i waved a dish towel in the air so that i wouldn't set off the alarm. i also would open the microwave and let a little smoke out at a time.. until i took the plate and burger to the garbage shoot and just threw it out. and now whenever i microwave, i get a little bit of the burnt smell, to always remind me that veggie burgers only need about 2 minutes to be cooked.

anyway, we're gonna go have dinner tonight and i'm very excited to be getting out with people! :)

also, last night, the girls couldn't stop laughing at my 'accent'. they yelled at me when i said cell phone (they strictly only say mobile... pronounced 'moe-byle'), they giggled when i said 'y'all', and were confused when i said freshman (they say 1st, 2nd, 3rd year... exclusively)... it was fun.

oh, and they all call me texas... it's like freshman year at college (i'm sorry: university) all over again :) how i've missed it!!


elizabeth said...

you shave your arms in rugby for 1) speed and 2) so dudes don't rip your arm hair out when fighting or whatever. ask my brother. duh.

Texas Trowel said...

dude, that is all fine and well.. but don't go out to a bar with them not shaved after a few days so when they graze my arm it scratches... and then don't be sleezy and use bad lines on me... all around: gross

Kathleen Mary said...

i think a+ for texas is a pretty good compliment :) that's so cool that they call you texas, it is just like uconn! minus the awesomeness of katie squared (i played beer pong at mark's bday party last night and i missed u. it wasn't even comparable to opusa because you weren't there!!!!)