Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ladies Lounge

Saturday night was big at the club again. They had free cocktails for ladies in the ‘candy bar’ they temporarily named 'Ladies Lounge" from 10 to 11. I had 4. They were small, in a martini glass, I didn’t even feel anything, but they were free and tasted delicious. Very very girly, and pink, what else could I have asked for?

Still, the girls are fascinated with my accent. I was sitting with an Australian and a British girl and we were having each other say the most stereotypical sentences our home countries offered in our home dialect. The aussie said ‘shrimp on the barbie’. The brit said ‘it’s time for tea and crumpets’. Then they looked at each other to decide what to have me say and they debated ‘hmm... what do Americans eat?….. Waffles? Yeah, say waffles!’

Anyway, so all the girls and I danced all night. Most of the girls went home at around 1 while a friend and I stayed later. She wanted to dance with the hottest guy in the room, so we found one with a friend and I pushed her next to him and we all danced… Anyway, at 2:30 (after they ordered 2 rounds of Smirnoff ice) they wanted to leave and go to another suburb and keep on clubbing. My 18 year old drunk friend wanted to go. But I said ‘no thank you’ then had to explain to my friend that going with 2 drunk boys in their car to another city at 3am isn’t really a good idea. Proud?

But on our way home we sat down near our dorm to talk and this drunk old man stumbled over wanted to know the bus schedule. First of all, I don’t think the buses here run at 3am, but I used my thickest American accent to tell him we don’t know anything about this city and convinced him my friend was from New York. She just kept saying ‘yeah’ (the only thing she can say without an Australian accent) haha, it was hilarious, but we were also drunk, so it was really hilarious to us.

Moving on, we came home and hung out in the common room with some peeps playing ping pong and I ended up exploring google earth with a guy for 30 minutes. I don’t know how or why, but it was cool. He showed me his high school that was on the beach, I showed him my high school and pointed out where the big statue of Jesus was… where, as a class, we once placed bras in his open hands. He showed me his house, which was a 5 second walk to the beach, and I showed him my house with my old station wagon in the driveway. His locations seemed much cooler than mine. He laughed because I grew up with an 8 hour drive to the beach. I laughed because he never saw 50 kids run after sheep trying to take a ribbon of the tails at a state rodeo. I won that one.

On the news tonight, they announced the city had its first road fatality of the year. That’s insane! Well it’s amazing really, I guess it just goes to show was a small place this is… or what amazing drivers Aussies are. But they aren’t… they kinda scare me.

So, as I’m sure most of you are aware, it was Oscar weekend. They were actually happening when it was Monday afternoon here, but they delayed it and played it prime time at 8pm Monday night. I stayed up the whole time, trying to see if I could get a glimpse of my friend back stage, but they never showed her. HOWEVER I did see her name on the credits! Good job E.! I’m so proud and jealous! :) and I expected ellen to have prettier suits. She dresses better everyday on her show. And you know, I feel like I saw her for about 8 minutes total. The host doesn’t really get a lot of airtime, does he/she? And I must say, that sparkly beaded curtain in the back was amazing (ok… it just looked fine, but I know how much time went in to that one curtain, so good job again E)

I spent another 50 bucks using taxis today going to and from the hospital just so the nurse could look at my left forearm and say ‘yep, nothing there, you don’t have TB, I’ll tell the doctor. You’ll hear from me in a few weeks.” I want my 50 bucks back.

My friend calls sunglasses: sunnies
It seems everything is given a cute nickname here.

Burger King here is Hungry Jacks

Samuel L. Jackson’s on Letterman promoting Shreveport…. silly Samuel l. Jackson, he just hangs out in the casinos… he’s not seeing what Shreveport can really offer. You know, the woods. WORST WOODS I have ever worked through. EVER. Worse than savannah. Although savannah had more snakes and the threat of alligators, it didn’t have as many impenetrable walls of briars. Thanks Louisiana.

I did laundry today. They look like the exact machines i had at undergrad. Except after washing and drying my 2 loads, I had spent 12 bucks. Also, I can’t find dryer sheets anywhere. Do they not use them?

The gym here is having a week of free work out classes. Today my friend and I went to BodyCombat. It was really fun. jab jab hook hook. They have it 3 times a week, so I might spend 110 bucks to go. Tomorrow we’re gonna try Aerobic Dancing. They have lots more classes, but those are the ones we think we might enjoy. But the class was choreographed to really great music. The darkness, Kelly Clarkson, britney spears, yeah, it was amazing! And I’m not even being sarcastic here.

I have one whole class tomorrow, then I was gonna spend the rest of it in the library reading. I only have like 1 chapter to read, but I have to find the book first.

Love you all to pieces!!

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