Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Academy (sports and outdoors, the right stuff the right price!)

I enroled (they only use one L) today! I am now officially an ANU student, with my own student id card and everything. But with enroling they won’t let you take more than 3 classes a semester. So I’m supposed to take 6 classes during this year and they’ll give me a masters? Just like that. Also, my schedule for the first semester:
Monday: no classes
Tuesday: 10am Primate Evolutionary Biology
Wednesday: 9am PEB, 10am Race and Human Genetic Variation, 1pm Human Skeletal Analysis
Thursday: 10am R&HGV
Friday: no classes

Huh…. What?? That’s it?

Anyway, yesterday was a pretty good day. like i said in the previous post, I met up with a boy I met at international orientation, and we hung out in Union Center for about an hour and it was nice. I then came home and slept, haha, I didn’t want to wake up, but eventually I did and I went to the international dinner and dance. And omg, it was awesome! I sat down with the boy I hung out with earlier and I actually knew a girl at the table. But anyway, I met 2 germans, a French boy, and a Filipino! And seriously, all the free alcohol, anu is crazy. Open bar! I also met an American! He’s from Missouri, and he’s fabulous. Anyway, after the dinner and dance, where I had about 4 glasses of wine, we went into the city to a bar/dance club Academy and it was a lot of fun. It got very sweaty dancing all night, but apparently Europeans love them their dancing and it was amazing. Anyway, I came home eventually and passed out. Then I woke up to meet with my professor and register for classes. I probably should have not been so hung over, but whatever. Enrolment went well as I’ve already told y’all my schedule.

ANU also had all their organizations and groups with their own tables throughout the university’s center so I perused possible groups and I joined the Archaeologist group. Yaya nerds! They did have the ANU War-gaming Group and Role Playing Society, but I opted not to join. But now you know there’s always something for everybody.

Anyway, I’m back in my room now and after a few errands this afternoon perhaps I’ll get another nap!
Then tonight I believe it is going to be another night out with a trip to Academy, thank goodness I don’t have to meet with my professors tomorrow!

and hopefully i'll be putting up pictures on myspace and facebook soon, the campus is quite lovely.

Love and hugs!!


Anonymous said...

of course, everyone from Missouri is Fabulous.

Anonymous said...

what had happened was... someone lied to you about Missouri.