Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I'll analyze your skeleton... baby

ok, so classes have officially started… and now that they have added on discussions and labs (that are called Tutorials, and everyone calls them Toots) my schedule is more full than I originally thought. My Mondays and Fridays are still free, and Tuesday I still only have 1 class, but Wednesdays I have class from 9-6. awesome. And Thursday I have class from 10-2. oh well, I’m sure undergrad was still worse, considering I was handling 5 classes then. Anyway, all my classes are also mixed with undergrads. I think actually most of them are heavily undergrad students. So I get to do an undergrad class and get grad credit, sounds good to me! So today I had my full day, and it wasn’t that bad, and for the last 2 hours, I got to examine real human skulls, which was awesome. And I now know what the ethmoid, postorbital constriction, and mastoid process are… which I’m sure I will forget in a week. And don’t worry, since most of y’all are nearing your mid-20’s, I’m sure your basilar suture is already fused.

And man, I love being in school. I bought spirals, and binders, and a 3 hole punch today. I’ve organized my spirals with colors along with the color coordinating highlighters. I can’t wait to print out pictures of the body and paste them on note cards. I love all the organizing busy work… I just don’t like reading it all after it’s all pretty. But I really have missed sitting in a classroom and learning. I’m sure I’ll get over all of this in let’s say… 9ish days… but I’m loving it right now. And I don’t know how we did it in high school, taking all our notes on our laptops. I tried today, and all I wanted was a notebook and sparkly pencil.

So one of my classes, Human Skeletal Analysis… everyone here pronounces it ‘ska-lee-tal’. It’s really weird.
And the herb, basil is pronounced like a bloke’s name: where the Bas rhymes with “has”.
And they call McDonalds: Macker. One girl asked me to go to ‘mackers’… she was like ‘gasp!! you don’t know what mcdonalds is?’ no, you aussie, I know what mcdonalds is, I have been living in america, I just don’t know your stupid nick name. see the difference?. I didn’t say all that, but I should have.

Tomorrow I’m gonna join the school gym. And get this… membership isn’t counted in your tuition… I think it’s like 200 bucks to join. One girl was telling me in Melbourne, she was paying 250 a month at her gym. What is wrong with these people, they have all this money to throw around!

In any given night, there are at least 3 game shows in a television line up. I can’t handle it.

also, voting here is mandatory. you get in trouble with the law if you don't vote. which could be good or bad...

I don’t have much to say this time I guess, I’ve been trying to prepare for schooling and not really learning about the differences here. It has been storming here every night. I like their thunder. However, I haven’t been sleeping well here. I have horrible dreams. One, my deceased grandfather was alive and needed a heart transplant, but he didn’t know it, and we weren’t allowed to tell him. We kept saying we were gonna take him to the fair. And so my mother was freaking out, I apparently ‘couldn’t be bothered’ because I was looking for a prom dress, and my father only cared about fixing his game boy, that got wet in the recent flood. And last night, I dreamt I was driving an Aerostar van and it was really hard to keep it from rolling backwards on hills even if I pressed the brake with all my might, and just when I thought I had figured it out… I rolled backwards out of control through the middle of campus and I was running over hundreds of people and I could hear them dying and people screaming and I thought it was real. I heard the blood splatter. Yeah yeah yeah, real gross, but dude, I thought I was going to jail. Except one night I kept Arrested Development on and heard Gob in my dream. That sleep wasn’t too bad :)

Anyway, I’m off to check my brick for class tomorrow to make sure I don’t have any homework.

I hope I’ll have more stories for this weekend! However on Friday, I have to go to the hospital to have an Australian doctor x-ray me to make sure I don’t have TB. It was the only way I could get my visa. Oh man, I don’t have TB.



elizabeth said...

what is you DO have TB. today at work, i saw ellen, she didn't like a prop i picked out, :( , but i got to get her more props :) , i'm watching american idol right now (jealous?) and i met THE hottest french guy today, amor.

Anonymous said...

Hell Yeah!
Britney Spears is no Jodi Foster. We are also still fighting for Dolly Parton. yee-haw.

Cella Bella said...

Um, you have a class called "Toots?" I have a class called Sexual Orientation and when I call it "Sex," people tell me I can't call it that. But you can call your class "toots?" This is not fair.

Also, how come I wasn't in your heart transplant dream? Dream of me, dammit!