Saturday, May 5, 2007

When will I learn

so remember how i was boasting about never having school work? well it all just caught up with me. i haven't talked to many, well frankly, any of y'all for a week or so, due to me locking myself in the library for 3 days straight.

this is a little bit of what happened. i had a paper due monday and a presentation due wednesday. i was supposed to start both over the holiday, but did nothing for either.
then i get back and for the first week back, i did no school work. even with the ANZAC day holiday, i did no work that day. i was too busy being social, der. so then the weekend comes upon me. and i stay in (almost) every nite, with the plan of doing school work. and somehow i always got talked in to hanging out or going to a bar to watch a cricket world cup game to cheer on australia. the cricket game, mind you, started at 11:30 at nite, and the 'half-time' break was at 5:30am. that's when i went to bed. what a stupid game to last for so long. so now it's sunday, and i have yet to start my work. so my teacher, on our field trip on friday, said to me and a fellow post grad that we could hand out papers in tuesday morning, cause we had to write 1,000 more words than the undergrads. so i took that to heart and didn't do any work on sunday, because i knew i had all day monday. it's like, i can't do work unless it's absolutely necessary.
so now it's monday, and i have my friend take me to the national library and i'm there from 10:30 am til it closes at 9pm. and at this library, you can't check out books. you can only 'request' them online, and they are brought up from the basement, and then you can photo copy them if you like... it's a really weird system. so i sat there all day with my mozart, my computer, and 36 references and tried to write the paper. so i get back to my room and hang out with some friends for a bit, c'mon, i had literally just spent the entire day at the same desk, in the same corner of the library, writing, i was totally entitled to a break. and i took one. til midnight. then i wrote some more of my paper til 3am. then i took a nap, woke up at 5am. and finished writing my paper. i even did a proof reading. and i got it all done and handed in at 8:30 tuesday morning. but it's not over yet, now i have to start work on my presentation... the one on inbreeding.
so i come home and pass out at 10am, and wake up at 2pm. and look up some resources and then, somehow, wasted the entired afternoon, i think mainly watching scrubs. and once midnight rolls around, i realize my presenation is due in 12 hours. so i go to the common room and make myself comfortable, and i sat there until 8:30am wednesday, when i finally finished it. i was completely out of my mind by this point. but i got it done.
i even went to class at 10, 11, and gave my presenation at noon. and it went pretty well, but then my teacher asked me questions afterwards and my answers were so insane, i couldn't form a complete sentence.... but we'll see what grade he gives me, haha.
so when will i learn to not leave everything to the absolute last minute!!!!

so then wednesday i went home.. and i didn't have a lab that day! so i passed out at 2 and woke up at 7pm... not knowing what day it was or where i was. what a good sleep.
but then the wave of relief hit me as i then realized i don't have anything due for another month. yaya! i can have stress-free fun for a month!
so that's what i've been doing. i taught all my friends the drinking card game 'wheel of fortune', also known as king's cup, or circle of death. i have so much to teach the kids here.
i've also made time to watch legends of the fall, bridget jone's diary, truman show, and the first 6 episodes of 30 rock, while all my other friends are doing school work.

but today, i realized, i am really happy here. that could be the stress-free relief talking, but the past few days i've really felt like i've made some really good friends here, school is going well and is interesting (apparently inbreeding ain't all that bad), my mother's surgery was successful, the weather is beautiful, i've been working out, australian boys like my american accent, N from home sent me the best package ever. a shirt with a brontosaurus (well actually, an apatosaurus. brontosauruses don't exist anymore. ok, yeah, no dinosaurs exist anymore, but there was never such a thing as a brontosaurus. they were all apotosauruses.) on it that says 'NEVER FORGET' and an awesome cd, and i did laundry today! i love clean clothes. and i have a new shirt that says 'KISS ME I'M A TEXAN' with a four leaf clover on it. i'm wearing it right now.

so don't worry anyone, if you were, i'm loving it (but i do miss you all and feel bad i haven't talked to anyone in a while.)

now... some crazy australian things
i went to a bar: the Labour Club.... which has slot machines in the back, which they call Pokies.
at the same bar, my friend and i went to order a drink and he mumbled what i thought was 'shooshah uhvix' but he actually said 'schoon of vics' which is a schooner (a glass) of victoria's bitter (a beer). and the bartender understood him. i obviously did not.
they have a COPS show here where they boast about catching all the 'crims'. no one can say a complete word here.
BUT my friend was convinced she had pink eye last week. and called me saying she had conjuctivitis. and i took a beat, then go 'oh yeah, pink eye!' and then later that day she said conjuctivitis like 3 more times, and i kept thinking she was trying to be funny or clever calling it the technical name, instead of pink eye... but turns out, they don't say pink eye.... they say conjuctivitis. so the one think americans have nicknamed, they haven't.
today the dorm put out a notice complaining about the furniture missing form the 'break out area'. sounds like a rash. but apparently it's the little common areas at the end of the hallways where they put couches on each floor.

and that's about it friends!

oh, and i've started to say 'i reckon'. i feel like i should be wearing overalls when i say it though.


Cella Bella said...

Hahahahaha. Your comment about your missing furniture in the common areas reminded me that when I lived in the dorms in London, we had crappy chairs in our common area and sometimes if you sat on them too hard, or maybe had too many people in one at a time, the legs would break off. So instead of keeping the crappy furniture, we would set it up in the elevator and send it downstairs.

There wasn't like, anyone down there to collect it or anything, so it prolly rode around for a bit til someone took care of it. I don't know, no one ever said anything to us.

Texas Trowel said...

i did that freshman year in undergrad!
well, we just thought it'd be funny to put the chairs in the elevator. and sometimes sit on them. cause sometimes, riding between 3 floors is just too much on the legs, and ya just gotta sit down.