Friday, April 27, 2007

Snoop Doggy Daaaaawg

(just in case you haven't checked within the past day, there is another new post right before this one)

so get this, Australia is refusing Snoop Dog entrance into Australia. because he has too many criminal allegations. don't they know that's how australia started???

and i can't believe i forgot to mention TWO UP. the infamous ANZAC Day drinking game. apparently it started with the english and irish and even spread to eastern us states and across the country during the goldrush, but i guess it's long gone now from there cause i've never heard of it. but anway, apparently during WWI australian soldiers played it extensively. it's a gambling game. and it involves drinking. but due to the excessive drinking the game encourages it was recently made illegal EXCEPT for on anzac day. so bars host huge TWO UP tournaments. and this is the game:
you have a special flat stick or baton of some kind. you place 2 one dollar coins on the end and you toss them up in the air. and then the gambler says if they will both be heads, or tails, or says which coin will be which. and that's the game. or something of that sort. i think there are different versions, where it's kinda like roulette. but that's the game. and they show people playing on the news. and on tuesday nite when i first learned of the game (anzac day is wednesday) i said: let's play, show me! and they all got silent and said 'no, we can't, it's illegal' and i said, 'yeah, but we're in a dorm room, no one is gonna know we played in here' and they responded 'nah, we should wait for tomorrow' so that's one rule all aussies seem to follow.

so i went to sydney today.. on a bus... and it was very long. over 3 hours between here and there, each way obvy. but it wasn't bad. i printed out articles for the essay i have to write and tried to read them. also my postgrad friend G from tasmania came with me, so we chit chatted all day.

on the way there, the radio played some dixie chicks and the song 'kids in america'. i thought "strange"... for both songs.

and my sister should be proud, when people ask me why i'm a vegetarian (trying to be vegan) i give them small little informative lectures. and i really grossed out G today on the bus. whoo hoo! your meat includes fecal matter!!!!

the trash cans here are called 'rubbish bins' and have signs on them saying 'general rubbish'

we got the headset dealio that goes with the exhibit today. and during the speech on the cerebellum, i was informed that not only does it manage all movement and motor output that 'tells us how to walk' but also 'let's us tie the thoooooousands of knots in a persian rug'. what a strange example to give of motor skills.

so we pronounce trachea as 'TRAY key ah' on the headset they said 'tra KEY ah'. hmm.. see the difference?

so the exhibit was cool, but the one at home was sooo much better. this one, well they had the bodies and everything, but the whole set up was pretty cruddy. just kinda looked like a middle school science fair. as my professor said it was 'a bit pov'. i guess that's short for 'poverty-ish?' or G said it was 'dodge' for dodgy. anyway, they didn't have a horse or a camel, or any animals at all. and no pregnant lady, and no box to throw away your cigarettes into. but it was fine enough.

car crashes here are 'smashies'

i explained to G today what a chinese fire drill is. she thinks american kids are insane now

driving home we went through the new fancy sydney tunnel and before entering there is a sign posted 'NO DANGEROUS GOODS IN TUNNEL'. uhh...

and the crossword puzzles here suck. it's not like the ones that are good, where every letter is a part of two different words (you know, across and down). it'll have like POTTERY and only the P a T and the E will be connected to other words. that's not a challenge!

G said they prononce the card game UNO as Yuno. she says cause no one knows spanish over here

and i don't know how y'all pronounce Nestle... the chocolate people... but i say Ness-lee. they say Ness-Lay. i guess that's more frenchish. even though as a kid she pronounced it as the verb 'nessul'

anyway! i'm off to read more about measuring the proximal end of a tibia to determine sex in a skeleton. then to read about using the 1st and/or 4th rib as a determinate in age estimation on skeletons

love and hugs!!!

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