Monday, May 21, 2007

Negative/Positive Reinforcement

this is why i'll never stop procrastinating... b/c i do well in the end. i got my human skeletal analysis paper on determing age and sex through different methods on bones of the body and his remarks are as followed:
"Good! (underlined) a well written, well researched paper, clearly structured, methodical and logical in its conclusions."
(and i lied before. D doesn't stand for distinguished... it stands for distinction.) (so.. here, i'm hihgly distinct) (but i'm still distinguished... in my own grading system)

so apparently writing a paper in 8 hours is the way to go for me.

my new favorite work out song is: U + Ur hands by pink. We aren't here for your entertainment, fellas.

My friend, I, is on an intramural soccer team… two in fact. And he talks about all his soccer training. He means soccer practice. They call it training. Sounds like he’s suiting up for a war or something. But no, he’s just having soccer practice.

The other day I opened my blinds at 8am… and there was a huge red ball. Huge, outside my window, about 30 meters away… I don‘t know what that is in feet… it was like half a block away. But, oh wait, no, that’s not a huge ball. THAT’S A HOT AIR BALLOON. and this isn't the first time this has happened. i took pictures. y'all can check webshots for an update

Oh, and I had the best grocery shopping day ever the other day. I found jalapenos AND soy cheese. It was amazing. i made the best bean burritos.
i also made vegetarian tacos for S and B the other nite. and omg, they loved them. and B is a huuuuge meat eater. and he liked the fake mince meat i found. that's the other thing... they don't call it ground beef, it's 'mince'. well maybe we do that in america too, i just always called it ground beef.

in 2 weeks i'll have 2 tests and the week after i'll have 1 test and 2 papers.
the paper topics now are:
1) functional anatomy of vertical clinging and leaping primates. i guess i'll focus on the tarsiers??
2) the theory that the Y chromosome is disappearing and that within 10million years, it'll disappear completely. but i doubt humans will be around in 10 million years anyway... but, i thought it was pretty cool. our bodies might evolve and the sex triggers on the Y chromosome might fall onto another chromosome and we won't even know the difference. but i do get to write about 'gonads'.

so now i'm gonna have to lock myself up for hte next two weeks and do all the reading and preparation for said tests and papers.

BUT then i'll have a 5 week holiday!! part of which i'm going to fiji with some friends :) and i'm trying to plan a trip to visit my friend G at her home in tasmania.

it's weird because all of the exchange students leave in june. i couldn't imagine leaving here in 2 months.

S told me to stop 'bludging around'. apparently that means procrastinate. bludgers, bludges, all different forms.

another american from california told me he saw me walking home one day, very briskly and said i looked 'so american'. but it also could have been my bright yellow tote bag that has the outline of the state of texas on it. or maybe both the walking and the bag put together :)
and obviously most aussies don't even know it's texas. just like my texas flag.

for my friend's birthday, she's having an A-themed party. where you have to come dressed as something beginning with an A. i said i'd come as an american. or maybe i should go as the entire A-team.

i remember when my sister was studying in England she had her 21st birthday overseas. and i thought how sad, turning 21 isn't even a big deal there. but i was talking to this guy who was about to enjoy his own 21st, and he says it is in fact a highly celebrated birthday here. even though they earn no new rights with priviledges with turning 21, they still celebrate it wildly because americans do. say what??

i went to a dorm party the other evening. and i left after 10 mins. i felt like an old lady. 30 kids, in one room, smushed together with blaring music. you cant see or hear anyone. i had enough of that in undergrad. so i went to B's room and played poker all nite. much more to my liking :)

a 6 pack of sam adams here is A$27.

my friends made fun of me for shortening anthropology to anthro. omg, i don't understand it. it's ok for australian to shorten anything (in fact everything) but i can't. and anthro is a completely normal abbreviation!

i just learned, about 2 days ago, that instead of 9-1-1, they dial 0-0-0. that's probably something the school should tell international students.

no one knows what 'what's the 4-1-1?' means.

i know that there was so much more to include here.

my room is entirely messy. yeah, no one's surprised. i've gotten hooked on boston legal. and that takes precedent over dishes and making my bed.

i bought a box of kellogg's Sultana Bran. why don't they call them raisins? or a pepper a pepper? they say 'capsicum'.

i miss my car. i was going out driving with S and J in S's car when she ran upstairs to fetch something, leaving J and me alone. we were in the parking lot and i wanted to see how it felt to drive it. so i did. ahhh, it was freaky. i was only going about 2 mph and i was so nervous. and all i did was back it up. i don't think i could ever pass and get a liscence here. i would certainly kill 6 people the first day, nay, the first hour.

so nothing too crazy has happened in the last few weeks. i took a huge break from doing any sort of school work at all. i refused to open a book. i did attend classes, but nothing outside of those 9 class hours. i totally burnt myself out that one weekend with the paper and the presentation. and the past few weeks were awesome, stress free. but now it's all built up again.

and the weekends were weekends. we had a dorm building game torunament nite and i played in texas hold 'em. and i wasn't the first one out! and there were only 2 girls playing. i guess like 30 played and i was probably the 15th one out, or maybe it was earlier but still pretty good i say :)

the common room now has free wireless internet. no more charging for mb downloads!!

so all in all, things are going well. alright, i'm gonna go put up new pics on webshots before my add kicks in and i see something shiny.

1 comment:

PT said...

I spent 18 years trying to break you of your procrastination habits, and your teachers keep undong all my goood wok!