Thursday, February 7, 2008

Elections for Giants

most of my friends in australia are very very interested in following the presidential elections. it's weird. i've never really cared about another country's leader. but that's because i live in an american bubble. i'm a very sad person, i know. but here are all my australian friends rooting for their respective favorites!
one is even rooting for romney to win. he is/was an avid bush supporter.
some like obama.
most are for hillary. just because of bill. they don't know hillary, or her politics, they just remember bill.

i've said it before, and i'll say it again, i really don't think america will elect hillary.

buuuuuuuuuuut, this is a pretty awesome video done by and his friends in support of obama:

i've had it on repeat in the background for the past 30 minutes now.

i head out to LA tomorrow! for a few days worth of fun with some old friends :)
i haven't done any packing or cleaning, or any preparation at all
shh... don't tell my parents

i was just in austin to see some old friends (which was awesome!) and for the superbowl.... and this has got to be the first time any NFL fans have rooted for another team in its division.
practically the entire NFC east fan-base, from eagles to cowboys to redskins, were rooting for the giants.
it was amazing.

patriots and your fans... if you weren't such jerks, i would have stayed loyal. but you turned into a giant group of asshats early on in this season and i refuse to support asshats. 18-1.
18 wins, but one GIANT loss.

btw, David Tyree is going to be on the Ellen show this friday. (feb 8th)

and, "Grandma's Boy" was not funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm devastated that you did not like "Grandma's Boy." I used to hold your cinema opinions in such high regard. Sob.