Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sarcasm is the language of the devil

i never got this 'complaint' last year, but for some reason it's been coming up a lot lately:

apparently Australians think Americans have no sense of humor. and by that, they don't think we understand sarcasm.

why. on. earth.

what a weird stereotype.

'oh, she's american, she doesn't have a sense of humor. i can't continue talking to her' (yes, that was actually said to me last friday) (and he wasn't being sarcastic) (just a jerk) (a really funny jerk) (that was sarcasm)

however, i was just given this 'compliment':
me: i don't understand why australians think americans don't get sarcasm. i'm one of the most sarcastic people i know'
my friend: 'yeah, i've noticed you're not bad at it'


and here are some more Australian sayings... maybe we say them in America... but i certainly haven't heard them before:

'stacking it': falling. 'it was so embarassing, i was walking down the hall and i just stacked it'

'rock up': to walk up to, to arrive. 'i rocked up to class like 30 minutes late', 'he just rocked up to me, can you believe it?'

cadbury: alcohol lightweight. 'i've had 2 beers and i'm drunk' - 'what a cadbury'

seppo: Australian army slang for American. short for 'septic tank'. i've made a new friend in the Australian army, and he calls me seppo. all. the. time. i think i'm offended?

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