Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I don't like hunters

so here I am, working in my office, typing away on my computer, when something catches my eye... a GIANT SPIDER crawling up the wall.

now, after working in the woods for over a year, i've become a little desensitized towards spiders. but those are american spiders. i'm in australia. australian spiders scare me. because most of them will kill me.

so what do i do? i jump up and run down the hall to find a big strong australian man to save me.

what do i find? no one.

it's after 6pm, so mostly everyone is gone.

i come back to my office, and that little bugger is now hiding. i can't be expected to work while a giant spider is watching me.

so now what? i stand on my chair in the middle of the room, of course

eventually the spider showed 'herself' again on my wall and at this time a nice older female student was walking down the hallway, so i jump off the chair and stand in the doorway and she looks startled to see me cowering there and then i just say 'spider'.

she says 'im sorry? is there a spider in there?'

so i show it to her and she says 'oh, no worries, that's just a hunstman. it's not deadly' (side note: i wikipedia'd 'hunstman spider' and they had this tid-bit of information: Huntsman spiders are not deadly to humans. They do bite, but the victim will suffer only minor swelling and localised pain, and will recover in a day or two.) (no thanks)

then she said 'well, you have 2 options. you can work with it while it darts around and eats the flies, or i can take it outside for you'

ARE YOU CRAZY? take it outside!

so she put it in a container and took it away for me.

now here are some pics of my little huntsman friend:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Abbreve This!

Talk about your mother of all abbreviations.

Australians don't say 'thank you' or 'thanks' they say 'ta'.

that's it.

just 'ta'.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sarcasm is the language of the devil

i never got this 'complaint' last year, but for some reason it's been coming up a lot lately:

apparently Australians think Americans have no sense of humor. and by that, they don't think we understand sarcasm.

why. on. earth.

what a weird stereotype.

'oh, she's american, she doesn't have a sense of humor. i can't continue talking to her' (yes, that was actually said to me last friday) (and he wasn't being sarcastic) (just a jerk) (a really funny jerk) (that was sarcasm)

however, i was just given this 'compliment':
me: i don't understand why australians think americans don't get sarcasm. i'm one of the most sarcastic people i know'
my friend: 'yeah, i've noticed you're not bad at it'


and here are some more Australian sayings... maybe we say them in America... but i certainly haven't heard them before:

'stacking it': falling. 'it was so embarassing, i was walking down the hall and i just stacked it'

'rock up': to walk up to, to arrive. 'i rocked up to class like 30 minutes late', 'he just rocked up to me, can you believe it?'

cadbury: alcohol lightweight. 'i've had 2 beers and i'm drunk' - 'what a cadbury'

seppo: Australian army slang for American. short for 'septic tank'. i've made a new friend in the Australian army, and he calls me seppo. all. the. time. i think i'm offended?