Wednesday, May 21, 2008

i have done THIS before, but not THAT

so we've started a 'veggie patch' here at my dorm. they cleared out a pretty sizeable area in one of our courtyards for us to grow organic vegetables and herbs.
today was our first 'event' where we had to move a giant pile of compost onto the plot. this consisted of shoveling it into a wheelbarrow, pushing this wheelbarrow up and around this crazy ramp, then dumping it and spreading it over the plot. so i of course volunteered to shovel.

now due to my archaeology days, i honed in on my digging talents and i never thought they would really come in handy... except for the time i dug a hole to find a leaky pipe for my parent's pool. but let me tell you... my shoveling skills are apparently awesome... and noticeable.

i got multiple compliments.
"wow, you're really good at shoveling"
"have you done this before?"
"your aim is amazing"
"how do you shovel so quickly?"
"you look so natural holding a shovel"

so there you go ladies and gentlemen. those 18 months of digging, filling holes, and moving dirt piles has gotten me respect.

now let's see if any vegetables will grow out of that giant amount of compost.

on another note!!
i've joined my dorm's netball team. Netball.. well.. it's like ultimate frisbee meets basketball.
it's 7 on 7, usually seen as a ladies sport, and you have a ball that resembles a soccer ball. anyway, you throw/pass it to your teammates, and once you get the ball, you can't move. no dribbling, no walking. so you catch it, and pass it off immediately.
OH! and there are zones. the court is split up into thirds. and the end thirds have semi-circles cut into them, much smaller than a basketball key, and this is the shooting area. and each position is restricted to certain areas.
my potential position, Wing Defense... i can only go in to 2 of the thirds, and not into either semi-circle.
anyway, you also have to stand 3 feet away from the opposite team. it is a non-contact sport.
ALSO! you wear little skirts like tennis skirts!
ALSO! there is no backboard! it's a pole with a hoop

it is a crazy sport, but we've had 1 practice and it was loads of fun. i just like team sports. and i like that i'm not expected to run the whole court.
other positions are called:
goal keeper
goal attack
wing attack
goal shooter
and center, of course

anyway, we have 2 more practices this week and my butt is so sore it hurts to sit. our 'coach' made us do lunges across the court. ouchies.

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