Sunday, November 11, 2007

just call me Traveling Joe

HELLO! i'm am so bad at this blogging thing. remember when i was good at it? that was short-lived.

i hate this. everyday at least 3 times a day, i have the thought 'yes, i need to blog about that'. (sad as it may be....) and then when i get here... i've forgotten it all. it's so sad. and the level of insanity the australian show in their pronunciation needs to be told.

so..... i took 4 classes this semester.. and i'm done with 2 of them. i have 5 days to write 2 papers. each at 3,000 words. 5 days to write 6,000 words. i actually, technically have 8 days... but next wednesday i'm going camping with 6 other friends... so i have to finish by wednesday.

BUT! this monday is cowboys-giants. gonna be a good game. i thought the cowboys-eagles game was gonna be big... but the cowboys just threw down! i hope they can do something like that this week! did you know? i watch the nfl. every monday here. and it's amazing. well... getting to watch it. i was thinking how great it would be to throw back a beer during this cowboys-giants game on monday... but it starts at 8:15 am here... so i dont' think drinking at 8am will be approved of... so i might have to hold back.

did i tell you they call Jell-o, jelly? it's so weird. 'let's take a jelly shot'. no. that does not work. i am sorry.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! i have HUGE plans for this upcoming year.... i hope at least some of them happen...

ok.. let's just see what i have in mind..

i get back to america in 1 week. nov 19th.
then t-give.
then a stars game.
then the cowboys-packers game.
then rhode island.
then austin.
THEN! in january: i'm supposed to have a friend visit.. and we'll drive around.
THEN! in the rest of january, i take an even bigger road trip out to LA where i have about 8 friends to visit.
then feb. back here to australia.
then my april break: ROAD TRIP TO ULURU! (ayer's rock!) and other outback tourist sights.
then school.
then june (i think!): DANIELLE'S GETTING MARRIED!
then july: my b-day.. and a rich australian friends wants me to visit her at her HOUSE in FRANCE! then travel to italy and spain with her. oh man.. i really want that one to happen.
then my september break: new zealand.

dang man. WHO WANTS TO COME WITH ME????!!!

i need to go sleep off this excitement


Cella Bella said...

I love how prominently Chicago fits into your plans. Thank you, friend.

Anonymous said...

I also enjoy how Pembroke, NH is at the top of your list. High five.

Also, nicely done with the T-Give abbrev. Looooooves it.

Anonymous said...

Aren't there a few other destinations in there somewhere? A visit to Papa in London? A wedding for Sister in Dallas? Maybe a graduation or two? Just wondering..... But it does sound like a full year, doesn't it? Life's not too bad for little Taylor (remember the K is silent!)

Anonymous said...

What i mean, you are a busy gal.

Just thought i would pop in and say hi.