Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Everybody Loves Spider Pig

ok, so this is not my fiji or tasmania post. obvy... i just thought that even tho i haven't gotten around to writing up my winter adventures, i should at least tell y'all what's been going on anyway!

today i was thinking about how bad i am about blogging, and that i'm glad it's not my job. because people out there do get to be paid to be bloggers! and then i started thinking about how in highschool we all took a job assessment test... answer questions and it tells you what you would be good at. i was wondering if 'blogger' has been added to that list. but then i recalled that the test said i should be a school counselor, and no joke, told my friend she should be a bus driver.

in other news, i spent an hour last nite on so i've been running outside about 3-4 times a week (there is a huge botanical garden that is right behind the campus, so it's really nice to jog through there!) and i thought i pulled my right quadricep muscle cause i had this weird sharp pain the next day whenever i walked. so i tried to walk with it for a few days, and then it moved into a lower back sharp pain, and a few days later, it has now settled itself on my right side near my back, like above my hip... aren't kidneys located there?? so i kept trying to look up appendicitis and kidney failure... but nothing gives a symptom of sharp pain when walking in your lower back on your side. so i'm just gonna stick with the idea that i pulled my quadricep muscle but my thigh got pissed it was in pain so it punched my kidney.

i made chocolate covered strawberries last nite! mmmm........

you know what they show late at nite here when no one is watching tv? everybody loves raymond. just like at home.

i made the BEST vegetarian enchiladas in the MICROWAVE the other nite. and i then made sweet potato and pumpkin mash. i have a new found love for pumpkin. it's really darn delicious!

so my life... i'm taking 3.5 classes. yes... i'm talking a half class... lectures don't start until after our 2 week september break. my classes are as follows:
forensic anthropology and archaeology: learning about how bodies decay postmortem. i've only had a few lectures... today's which consisted of a forensic entomologist guest speaker and lots of pictures of maggots eating a dead pig. i now know a lot more about maggots than i ever have, or have wanted to know. how my cousin went through med school, i have no idea. dead bodies are gross. i just want bones. nice, clean, flesh-free bones.
human evolution: this isn't a proper class. it's not technically offered this semester, so my fellow grad student G (the one who i visisted in tasmania) and i meet weekly with our professor and we 'discuss' the lectures he gave last year. we've only met once so far... so i'm not yet sure how informative this class will be...
human society and animal society: learning how animals have a socity and culture and how it has influenced humans. i got to watch a documentary on seagulls pulling out each other's feathers and eating each other's young. so far this semester has been gross.
then my half class is: scientific dating techniques. we will actually get tours of different labs to see people applying the dating technigues... argon/argon dating, radiocarbon, and some like resonance spin? no idea yet. gotta wait til september!

in other news... a great friend from highschool, D got engaged a few days ago and she also got her masters!! she's way ahead of me in the game of life.

socially life is same old same old. playing pool, watching DOOL, hanging out, it's quite lovely.

in class the forensic entomologist pronounced renaissance as 'rah NAY saunce'. weirdies.

this weekend I. asked me to The Law Ball. they don't have dances here, they have balls. so i have to go buy gold shoes tomorrow to go with my green dress!! i hope it's not all lawyer talk. maybe my sister can give me big words or famous cases i can throw out there. or maybe i'll amaze them all with my maggot knowledge

i watched a documentary the other day about the creation/evolution struggle. and in one segment a catholic explained dinosaurs WERE on noah's ark, but they all fell off and drowned. and when they drowned, the fell on top of the water living dinosaurs and pinned them to the ground.

my highschool mentor and favorite teacher just turned himself in for having a sexual relation with a 17 year old student. so that's pretty awesome.

the number 23 is a horrible movie. but... my birthday does add up to 23. so maybe i'm apart of the conspiracy.

the simpson's movie was surprisingly funny! SPIDER PIG! SPIDER PIG!


Cella Bella said...

OMG, i laughed so hard at the Simpsons movie. And Spiderpig was my favorite part. "Can he swing from a web? No he can't, he's a pig. Look ouuuuut, he's Spiderpig."

Also, I don't think your human evolution class is really a class at all. Do you "have class" at Denny's? Yes. Then it is not a class. And by "discuss" do you mean "eat pancakes"? Yes. Then it is not a class.

Also, scientific dating techniques would be awesome if it really helped you get dates. In other news, I am the first person to ever make that joke.

Lastly, does Australia have barristers like England does? Because we have a Law Ball but we call it Barrister's Ball because parties are more fun when someone brings the alliteration. And we don't even have Barristers! But Australia might and they didn't think to name their party after them?

Also, does the Law Ball have a mascot? I would name him Bob. Then he would be Bob Law Ball.

Texas Trowel said...

so my friend J was on RA night duty last thursday (meaning, she has to deal with all the drunken lock outs) so G and i got drunk and pranked her at 11:30pm. she doesn't know G's voice, so we called her up on speaker phone and the conversation went as follows
J: hello, this is J, how can i help you?
G: hi, is this this ra?
J: uh.. yes
G: well, there's a really big spider on my ceiling
J: well, that's not really part of my responsibilities
G: yeah, but it's really big and i'm scared
J: well, i'm sorry but i can't help...
we were laughing so hard... but she hung up. it was HI-larious

and don't even come off like you thought of bob law ball! cause those out there that aren't arrested development will think you are extra clever BUT SHE'S NOT. she got it from the arrested development character Bob Loblaw palyed by, none other than, Chachi!

and finally, how come you commented on everything else from my blog except the fact that MY KIDNEY IS DYING?

Cella Bella said...

I guess i didn't read the part about your kidney. Sorry. Don't die.

Also, I never said I made up Bob Loblaw. I did make up Bob Law Ball and that makes me awesome.

Anonymous said...

Can you score me a scientific date?

I'm the second person in the history of everything to make that joke.

In all seriousness, I thought you were watching some social study with deweeby guys trying to pick up girls through one of those two-way mirrors that they have in police interrogation rooms. Because that's def how one would observe scientific dating techniques in a clinical setting. Fo sho.

Sorry about your kidney. I ran a half-marathon. I bet my heart and lungs and every single component of my legs are hanging out with your kidneys as BFFs.

And yes, I also realize that this post is more than three months old, but I forgot about your blog for awhile, so I'm just catching up and throwing around some of my sassy comments. You dig?