Tuesday, March 13, 2007


so i talked to my sister today on the telephone. and she's quite confused on how much free time i have. as am i. well not confused on the idea of free time, but that i have so much of it... in a post-grad program. guys, really, come visit, because i have a lot of free time. whereas my undergrad friends have class 5 days a week. 5 days! i pretty much only have class 1 day a week. cause tuesday and thursday don't count... with 1 class at 9am. today i woke up at 8:45, went to class at 9, returned to my dorm, printed out articles for a class tomorrow (articles i'm not REQUIRED to read, not really even encouraged to read... but figured i might as well do something for this class), then went shopping and walking around with K for 3 hours, and now i'm back in my room looking at the articles before i head to the gym. this is almost my everyday schedule. i do work that i'm not required to do... because i have so much free time!

however, my sister criticized my activities in her, i presume lovingly, sister way, that i'm not using my free time to explore australia. however, i don't want to go on 'holiday' by myself! sure i have 4 day weekends, every weekend, but i don't want to explore sydney by myself. and yes, i have friends. friends who are FROM australia.. who don't want to explore places they've visited throughout their whole lives. i must become better friends with international students.
HOWEVER i have signed up for a 12 day camping trip to the center of australia. i'm very excited. it's not until june... and it is 1,000 bucks (love you mom and dad!), but it's transportation and food included and i'll be camping in the AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK. isn't that why i'm here? yes.

but on saturday night, for some reason, canberra held their annual SKY FIRE. which is just a 25 minute show of fireworks over the lake. so we went. and it was beautiful. i think all of canberra was there... maybe 1,000 people? ok, there must have been more, but canberra is small folks. and my friends were loving it.. and i mean LOVING it. then i realized... huh, "y'all don't have many firework displays, do ya?" "no... not many" then i reminded them we have Independence Day. funny story... my birthday is July 5th.. and of course, as any typical american family, we saw fireworks on the 4th (sometimes also on the 3rd if we were lucky) in celebration of our country's independence.. but my parents threw in a little twist here. when i was young, they told me the fireworks were in honor of my birthday. Birthday Eve Fireworks if you will. and I BELIEVED THEM. boy did i look like an idiot in kindergarten.

i should be making a list of all the different words i come across between the 2 cultures... cause i know i had about 5 more to tell y'all about... but alas i've forgotten. i'm not a very good blog writer if i can't remember my material. however my friends do think it is unfair america just has .com instead of .com.us. all of their websites are .com.au. i laugh in their faces. yes, .com has become the central point of my american pride.

however, i do desperately need my ritalin. i had coffee this afternoon, and now i'm all jittery. oh sweet ritalin... i miss you. it's amazing how it can make me focus. instead i am left to my own devices. which so far has gotten all my school supplies color coordinated, all my articles in a binder, my march madness brackets filled in, itunesdownloadedand postcards written. i guess it is a good thing i don't have a lot of schoolwork since it probably wouldn't get done... because i don't have ritalin!! that's also the reason this blog is all over the place... blame the coffee.

so back to my original point... COME HOLIDAY HERE! cause then i'll have friends to do touristy things with. canberra has about a day's worth of things to see... then we can go to the beach, sydney, new zealand, melbourne, perth, brisbane... all of those places!! i can't go alone folks. i need your help. my friend K really wants to come to texas. she got an american tour guide packet today. which doesn't even mention texas. it has a whole chapter on nashville. umm.. yeah. let's go to nashville, forget about texas. the alamo. austin. the stockyards.

now i'm off to the courtyard to underline and highlight these unrequired (is that a word?) articles so i will have something to say in my tute about genetic diseases.

and a shout out to my cousin who's birthday is tomorrow (in american time... here her birthday would be halfway over). she might not even read this, but now you all know it's her birthday. and that makes her a lucky girl.

have a good tuesday everyone!


Cella Bella said...

I was just making sure you were getting the most out of your life in Australia. It's not your fault your friends are lame-os who don't want to travel. You will have to get better friends.

PS- I wrote "lameos" but it looks like it's pronouced like cameos. And then I thought, "Wasn't 'Word Up' sung by someone called Cameo?" And that was pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to see all the government buildings and the museums so you can be the tour guide when your Mother and I get there to visit you.

Dancing with the Stars starts up again this week. Everyone is going to watch to see if Heather Mills loses her clip-on leg trying to do the high kicks. Lovely to be able to export all this culture to the rest of the world!

Anonymous said...

There are few things finer than prosthetic limbs flying off of people...

...except perhaps for the title of this post. Nicely, done, K-Can, nicely done. I especially like the tildae (sp?)

PT said...

I thought cella bella was suppose to be your Grand sister?