Sunday, March 18, 2007

Let Freedom Ring

ok, so one of my favorite stories from this experience is as such:
my friend J was having a fun little conversation with our german friend. he made a joke about her, so she joked back. and his reply was "we are quit"
j said: we are quit? what?
german: you know. we are quit. we are quit.
j: no.. what?
german: you and i are both done. we got each other. we are quit.
j: even? we are even?
german: yes! we are even.

so now when any of us make jokes with each other, we reply with 'we are quit!'

not only do stores here advertise their sales, but they advertise their REDUCTIONS! reductions here! reductions rack! reductions at 30%!

in america we have words as dweeb, nerd, loser... here they have so many words that i have never heard before in my life. like: Bogens, Pikies, Wogs.

i just had a long conversation with a turkish boy. we talked politics. he apparently likes clinton, based on the fact that there was no 'war' during clinton's time. we had a war during george bush, and now durying dubya, but 'nothing' during clinton's reign. he also blames 9/11 on bush. and he also thinks hilary is our next president. i most honestly believe america will sooner vote an ethnic man before a woman. he thinks i'm wrong. i guess we'll see soon enough. (and i'm not saying that obama is that ethnic man, but america likes men more than women, despite race. so i believe another man of any race will be elected before any woman) (but what do i know, i'm just a redneck texan). that's how the rest of the world views texans: as rednecks. we are uneducated, slow, and ignorant. much like the way america views arkansas. hahaha, just kidding. (which is bill clinton's home state, fyi.) and rednecks are worse than bogens. rednecks are scum to australians. and seriously world, BUSH IS FROM CONNECTICUT. THEY ARE A CONNECTICUT FAMILY. but i will no longer talk politics. but i am trying to change the world's view of americans, one australian at a time ;)
although... they all believe america will be blown up within the next 10 years, so that's something to look forward to y'all.
one more thing, when france didn't vote for turkey to be a part of the european union, turkey boycotted anything french: clothes, makeup, any exports from france, and turkey won over france. when france didn't support america going to war, we changed french fries to freedom fries. we sure showed them.

as i was explaining to my father, my stories are becoming less and less amusing the more i stay here, because the less shocked i am by the cultural differences. although, there is no country music or line dancing here, and when i do show them the one line dance i know, they all giggle.
i no longer find it weird to hear the accent 24/7. HOWEVER they have no respect for 'articles' in the grammatical sense. seriously, on the news, in any day conversation, they say things such as 'he was sent to hospital', 'she's at bar', 'i'm going to airport'... no THE. no A/AN. and they think themselves proper... furthermore, for my turkish friend, not only is english an absurdly hard language to learn and know, but then he is confronted with accents. he has problems with understanding "can't". australians say 'cahn't' and i say "cain't". but afterall, i am just a redneck.

we had a poker night the other evening. where i was actually the most educated on the subject. (thanks celebrity poker). i threw out words such as 'trips' 'river' 'big blind'. then we went out dancing where a friend tricked me in to dancing with a 53 year old indian man. i quickly pretended my turkish friend was my boyfriend and i wasn't allowed to dance with other men.

and tonight was st. patrick's day!! we went to an irish pub: King O'malley's and sat in the 'study' room. it had bookshelves full of encyclopedias and big study chairs. it was awesome. irish? i'm not sure. but it was another evening full of conversation, some highlights centering around: nascar, parliament, the office (the tv show), gangs, bogens, cyndi lauper, the bible, their rugby team the brumbies (which i think just means 'mustangs'), and etc.

monday is a holiday... Canberra Day. i don't think any festivities are planned... one friend put it as "a day to celebrate being in the lovely canberra". which apparently means: the whole city will shut down so you stay home. furthermore meaning: no school or work.
they need better holidays here.

on their habit for abbreviating:
deries = derelict
cinnies = movie theatre
ciggy: cigarettes
(and these abbreviations aren't just used by a few people, or just every now and then: these are used at all times by everyone)

thongs = flip flops
g string = thongs
rubbers = erasers

they never say purse or pocket book... it's always 'handbag'

australians seem to find one word, and use it exclusively. they never allow for synonyms apparently.

my friends have started to say 'totally' and 'y'all'. my work here is just beginning.

but i must be going, i'm burning my freedom toast.



Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about Canberra Day and how we used to trick you into thinking that the Fourth of July fireworks were for you because you were born on the next day (July 5th for those you of not following along with this story), and wondering if there were fireworks on Canberra Day and if parents down there tell their children who are born on March 19 that the Canberra Day fireworks are really for them instead of to celebrate the founding of Canberra. Or maybe it was more the "I'll stick a flag in the ground and declare this spot the Capitol of the Country" and we'll call it Canberra and, by the way, what day is it and someone answered "March 19th" and so let's have fireworks!" But if they don't have fireworks, then what can they tell their little children is going on in honor of their March 20th birthdays? Ah, I bet they have barbeques! And so the parents can tell all the kids that the barbeques all over the country are in their honor, it being their birthday and all. Not a bad tradition. Of course, the Australians, being bright, might not fall for that old trick like some rednecks do. But they probably don't make the trip to the high altar of redneckness, Dollywood, either. So much they miss out on down under. Sad. But at least we have Dancing with the Stars starting tomorrow night to look forward to. I hear that Heather has a leg up on her competition. Perhaps I digress...night Honey!

PT said...

Remember when I referred to your flip flops as thongs, and you and the Grand sister would die of embarrassement? Leaning out the window in carpool line, yelling, "Do you have your thongs?"
Ah, those were the days.

Texas Trowel said...

papa, maybe here in australia the parents aren't as cruel as in america.
america: i know! let's not only lie about santa, the easter bunny, AND the tooth fairy, let's lie to our daughter about independence day

australia: let's throw some shrimp on the barbie for your birthday kiddo!

mamma, i luckily don't remember that ever happening. but thank goodness you recreated it for all to see now that my grand sister and i are adults. this just goes right along with the fireworks doesn't it. :)

elizabeth said...

i am in love with your parents

Cella Bella said...

Mom's story was funny. I'm happy that "Grand sister" is catching on.