Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Give me 500ml of Juice, STAT!

Oh man, i spoke too soon. I'm sick.

calm down parents, calm down, let me explain.

i went to bed monday night with chills. i couldn't sleep actually until about 4am. i'm pretty sure i had a fever, and my throat was killing me. so at around 1am i made hot tea and minestrone soup. i eventually passed out. i woke up tuesday after about 4 hours of sleep and my throat was on fire. so i gargled. yeah, you know it' s bad when i willingly gargle hot salt water. i then talked myself into going to class... 'only 1 hour. only 1 hour then you can come home and sleep.' and i made it through, thanks to my nalgene full of warm water.

on my way home i bought more soup. soup in a box. they don't have a lot of soup in cans. and let me tell you, soup in a box is pretty gross. and not many options for vegetarians. luckily my friend S and K and I were planning on going to the grocery store. where i stocked up on juice, soups, fruit, and lots of lolipops (they don't sell a lot of hard candy, it's all chocolate or gummy type creatures) (sad). also, i've been craving pizza, so i thought i'd buy a small frozen one. nope. here in australia we demand meat on all of our pizzas. any meat will do, as long as it's an animal product. CHEESE AND HAM! MEAT LOVERS! SUPREME! BACON AND MUSHROOMS! nothing plain? no margarita? fine. no pizza. but at least they had chicken flavored mac and cheese.... gaa-ross. and can we just take a moment to talk about their cereals??

rice krispies are 'rice bubbles' and snap, crackle, and pop are different drawings!!
frosted flakes are 'frosties' they even commercially abbreviate their cereals
cocoa krispies is "coco pops"... and they have a really weird cartoon monkey
AND they don't have any cereals with marshmallows in them. my friends thought i was crazy asking where the Lucky Charms were. that's all i wanted, for my sick little body, was marshmallow sugar cereal. instead i just stuck with the bran cereal. :(

anyway, i came home and watched my newly downloaded movies and ate 4 lolipops and had soup. then today (wednesday) i woke up for my most grueling school day: 9-6.. with only 1 break. and my throat wans't nearly as bad as it was tuesday morning! home remedies can really help! (i also started taking my calcium, b-12, one-a-day, green tea, and echinacea pills) (which i should do everyday, but it took an illness to help me remember).
and today wasn't that bad. for an hour i heard about the theories of chromosomes changing during evolution, then an hour on gametes, mitosis, and meiosis (i still remember from highschool when jen p. said before a bio test 'mitosis and meiosis are my b*tches!' haha, that was funny), then an hour video on the race to find the insulin gene, and then further mutation of genes for agricultural reasons, then an hour discussion class with the post-grad students in my 'race' and genetics class (of which there are 4, including yours truly. all girls. and it just so happens, at least 2 of them are in each of my classes. we will all shortly be best friends. or sick of each other... either way....), then an hour on the post-cranial skeleton. then hey! i had a break. where i had to refresh my brain on what the post-cranial bones look like so i wouldn't come off as an idiot in my lab. then i headed to said lab. and played with bones for 2 hours. and by play with, i mean tried to articulate the radius, ulna, and humerus for about 15 minutes until we had to call over our professor. but my partner and i did get the femur, fibula, and tibia to work together nicely, without help! and even add on the patella! we're brilliant.

and now i'm home. and my throat hurts again. but that could be cause i was just talking to S for about 40 minutes. i shouldn't talk so much. but now i'm gonna have soup, watch Arrested Development, and miss having coffee with the girls because i want to get well :( and because they are going out at 9:30! why would you go have coffee at 9:30?! i hopefully will be sleeping.

but i did find out i will be giving a presentation on inbreeding in a month or so. what is inbreeding? what different varieties of it arise? what is the evidence for genetic ill-effects? what are the pattterns of occurence of inbreeding?
so if any of y'all are knowledgable in that area... share your wisdom. it's gotta be a 30 minute presentation, so if we all put our heads together, i think we can pull it off.

and i have a new favorite abbreviation: BESTIES.
for best friends. i'm so excited to use this.

love and hugs to all my besties!! (that means all of you)


PT said...

I know you will continue to gargle with the hot salt water!!! And I know you will know when it's time to go to the doc. Remember, we've already paid for this medical care!!!

Anonymous said...

I strongly dislike your assumption that just because I grew up in the wilderness, I know all about inbreeding. Seriously, I thought you were more mature than that.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are sick! Feel better!